Intereseting idea for a product... I'll try to think through this in more detail later this week, but a few "first impressions." The video quality isn't great. I've heard time and time again from successful crowdfunders that video production quality maks a huge difference. They all say to invest in high quality microphones especially, which makes a huge difference in the sound quality -- and whether your video looks professional or amateur.
Second, along those lines, videos that work well often tend to have a more personal / authentic feel to them. This one felt really scripted. I know this is tough -- you're not an actor -- but if there are ways to make it feel a little looser, and more authentic vs. scripted, that might help.
Third, the product could definitely be cool, but, damn, that fob looks big...
Finally, I like the idea that the product can be used for a few different things, but it feels a little disjointed -- with the two main uses you talk about are losing your keys... or your kids. Not quite the same. Plus, most of the video focuses on losing your keys... and then mentions the kid tracker thing towards the end. If you're not interested in the key application, you might not get to the kid one. I wonder if there's something to be said for highlighting initially much more strongly that it can be used to find lots of things... and then get into the specific use cases. Hook people up front with a more general pitch about people losing stuff and then show specific use cases.
Again... that's just my first impressions. Not all of them may actually make sense...