STEP 1:  Create

STEP 2:  ?????

STEP 3:  Profit!

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Floor64's Step2 is a community brainstorming platform for asking about, suggesting, creating, and building models for success, with help from the Insight Community. It's not just about the "business" model, but the overall "success" model. How do you create that connection with the marketplace? How do you offer something worth buying? Step2 is here to help.

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Give us Feedback on The Declaration of Internet Freedom

21 like 1 dislike

We believe that a free and open Internet can bring about a better world. But to keep the Internet free and open, we must promote these principles in every country, every industry and every community. And we believe that these freedoms will bring about more creativity, more innovation and a better society

We are joining an international movement to defend our freedoms because we believe that they are worth fighting for.

Let’s discuss these principles — agree or disagree with them, debate them, translate them, make them your own and broaden the discussion with your community — as only the Internet can make possible.

Join us in keeping the Internet free and open.

Below, we have posted each of these original principles as a separate item so that you can vote them up and down here on the Step2 platform, comment on them, discuss them, provide feedback, etc.  You can also add your own principles if you feel that anything in particular is missing.  We look forward to your feedback and insights.

Declaration of Internet Freedom

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initiated Jul 1, 2012 in Success Stories by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160 1 flag
edited Jul 1, 2012 by Mike Masnick

15 Responses

1 like 0 dislike
With FREE and OPEN, Internet have to be NEUTRAL and SYMETRIC

Neutral : everyone and all protocols are equals. Infrastructures have to be enough developped to support emergency and distress management without breaking neutrality. Equality principle. (e-quality...) : no one can shout louder than an other :)

Symetric : what you say, produce, publish, innove, create had equal importance of what you read, watch and consume. That is the best way to support  entrepenership, innovation creation and freedom of expression. Withiout symetry we are de-facto only consumer.
response added Jul 3, 2012 by Francois Ranchin (170 points)   1
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protect everyone's right to privacy, communication's and navigation's secrecy, anonymity, and defend everyone’s ability to control how their data and devices are used.
response added Jul 4, 2012 by wankingwilly onlivecam (140 points)   1
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The Declaration of Internet Freedom is very important inatiative for around the world. We have alreday endorsed the  Declaration of Internet Freedom. Now are planning to translate in Bangla and english we would like to publish a poster for Bangladesh consuption.


AHM Bazlur Rahman- S21BR

Chief Executive OFficer, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication








response added Nov 2, 2012 by AHM Bazlur RAHMAN (140 points)  
1 like 2 dislike

Altruism: Free incentive to economically reward innovators. 

response added Jul 2, 2012 by Mike Co (390 points)   1 1 3
@an0nymoose Mike Co, not entirely sure what you mean by this? Free incentive? How are we currently curtailed in that activity anyway?
0 like 3 dislike
There is no freedom without economic freedom. Support Bitcoin - a digital currency of the people and by the people, no central bankers allowed.
response added Jul 2, 2012 by Julian Tosh (90 points)   1
@tuxavant Couple of downvotes there Julian, might want to look into or expand on bitcoin. Personally, whilst I agree with the principle of economic freedom (go ask the Greeks about the alternative) there's no way I could support a policy that endorsed or mandated a single system.

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