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Help Create An Innovation Agenda For The Next Administration

12 like 2 dislike

Darrell West of the Governance Studies program of the Brookings Institution is seeking to crowdsource ideas, feedback and insights into how the government can promote an innovation economy.  The results of this effort may go into an eventual report put out by West for new members of the next Administration.  Below this post, we've pre-loaded an initial list of 96 different possible agenda items, as prepared by West, for an innovation agenda, covering a variety of proposals touching on these topics:

  • the building of digital infrastructure
  • the promotion of entrepreneurship and economic development
  • improving productivity in the private and public sectors
  • improving education and workforce development
  • strengthening creativity and invention
  • improving university commercialization
  • improving decision making through data analytics
  • protecting digital assets
  • harmonizing cross-border laws to promote the digital economy
  • promoting socially responsible innovation

Now we need your help:

  1. Read through the list of items listed below this post
  2. Vote (up or down) on the items, based on the priority you believe they deserve
  3. Comment on individual items, with suggestions, thoughts, information, clarifications, etc.
  4. Respond to others' comments and discuss the various ideas being proposed
  5. Add your own items if you feel there are ideas that are lacking from the initial 96 items

Together, we can help shape a powerful agenda for innovation.

initiated Aug 13, 2012 in Economics by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
edited Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick

113 Responses

7 like 2 dislike


Create new mechanisms for financing cash-starved start-ups walking the “valley of death.” These may include public-private investment funds and public-private trusts for loan guarantees.

response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
"Public-private" ... like ... Solyndra?

How about jjust remove government impediments to novel financing?
@jimharperdc removing gov't impediments to novel financing is a good idea.  You could add it as a separate item.
5 like 0 dislike


Encourage public sector leaders to develop data sharing networks and data analytic capacities

response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
6 like 1 dislike


Increase public reporting requirements for publicly-traded companies that have been victims of cyber attacks.

response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
Is this consumer protection regulation, security regulation, or something that facilitates innovation? I think it's more the first two than the third.
5 like 0 dislike


Increase public reporting requirements for cybercrime, payment card fraud and other financial crimes.

response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
6 like 1 dislike


Encourage the free flow of data, goods, and services in foreign trade agreements

response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
5 like 0 dislike
Require open source for all federal software and software service contracts.
response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Linksvayer (1,430 points)   1 4 11
6 like 2 dislike


Establish national infrastructure bank to develop digital and physical infrastructure

response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
5 like 1 dislike


Encourage interested localities to explore community broadband that meets community needs.

response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
This is utterly vague. How could one tell when this has been done? And it is not the role of the federal government to involve itself in the "exploring" that localities do.
4 like 0 dislike


Develop more readable digital service agreements

response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
7 like 3 dislike


Develop digital literacy programs to help people and businesses learn how to use the Internet and digital tools 

response added Aug 13, 2012 by Mike Masnick (22,930 points)   59 99 160
@mmasnick  This would be at the top of the list for me. We are digitally illiterate - especially compared with most developed and developing nations. Code is not so very difficult, and the less our kids know it, the less competitive and more vulnerable we will be as a nation.

I have interviewed the military extensively as well, and they just can't find programmers. Most fear we will lose our military advantage within a generation if there's not a major shift.

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